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Filesrocket is a class that is in charge of orchestrating all the available functionalities; like registering services, getting them, forming controllers, etc.

Register services

In Filesrocket you can register multiple services to manage your files, the following example shows how to do it.

const filesrocket = new Filesrocket()
filesrocket.register("one", new OneService({...}))

filesrocket.register("two", new TwoService({...}))

filesrocket.register("three", new TwoService({...}))


  • first parameter: specifies the name of the service, it is important that this is unique so that it can be distinguished from the rest.
  • second parameter: is the class responsible for handling the files.

Recovering service

To obtain a service, you do it in the following way. For more information about Services.

const service = filesrocket.service("service-name")

Or get a list of all registered services. 
// [{ name, controller, service }]

Recovering controller

To obtain a controller, you do it in the following way. For more information about Controller

const controller = filesrocket.controller("service-name")

Released under the MIT License.