Getting Started
This section will help you build a local file hosting app from scratch. In this section, you will learn the basics of Filesrocket.
Step 1: Create a new project
We create a new directory and access it.
$ mkdir my-filesrocket-app
$ cd my-filesrocket-app
We initialize a Node.js project.
$ npm install typescript ts-node -g
$ npm init -y
$ tcs --init
Step 2: Install Dependencies
Add filesrocket to project dependencies.
$ npm install express @filesrocket/core @filesrocket/local
$ npm install @types/express -D
Step 3: Initialize server using Express.js
We create the file that will serve as the entry point of our app.
// src/index.ts
import express from "express";
const app = express();
app.listen(3030, () => {
console.log("App execute in port:3030");
Step 4: Initialize Filesrocket
Register the services you are going to use.
// src/index.ts
import { Filesrocket } from "@filesrocket/core";
import { LocalService } from "@filesrocket/local";
// Initialize filesrocket.
const filesrocket = new Filesrocket();
// Configure your service.
const service = new LocalService({
pagination: { default: 15, max: 50 },
host: "http://localhost:3030",
directory: "uploads",
// Register the service.
filesrocket.register("local", service);
Step 5: Register endpoints
Register the endpoints of your application, either to upload, list or remove files.
// src/index.ts
const controller = filesrocket.controller("local");
// Create/Upload files."/files", async (req, res) => {
const files = await controller.create(req, {});
// List files.
app.get("/files", async (req, res) => {
const query = req.query;
const files = await controller.list(query);
// Remove files.
app.delete("/files", async (req, res) => {
const query = req.query;
const { id } = query;
const files = await controller.remove(id, query)
Step 6: Static Files
In case you want to view the files, you need to enable the static files folder.
// src/index.ts
app.use("/uploads", express.static(path.resolve("uploads")));
Step 7: Run
Once the previous steps have been carried out, it is time to run our app.
ts-node src/index.ts
With these simple steps we can now upload, list and delete files locally quickly and easily.